Thursday 19 September 2019

My two year anniversary as an Academic Practice lecturer

It’s my two year anniversary as an Academic Practice lecturer. The first year whizzed by as I was on maternity leave. Yes, I started the job two weeks before I left to have a baby. Foolhardy or brave?  On whose part - mine or my employers?

I’ve learned a lot this following year. Working with new academics has been a pleasure. I’ve seen them flourish as they gain confidence. I’ve cried as they revealed the history behind their teaching philosophies. I’ve been grateful for the positive feedback they left me. 

Working with more established academics to gain accreditation has been eye opening. I’ve worked with them previously for years but in a different context. Who knew that some would be as challenged by time management as the students they complain about?! They are also the ones who tend to be the most appreciative of the time I spend with them.

The new PhD students I teach on their Introduction to Teaching days are so ambitious but are one of the most at risk groups of being exploited. They are often lost and confused when I meet them as they most often have never taught before and are trying to gain experience. Providing some reassurance is often the most helpful thing I can do for these people.
Introductions & expectations

Getting ready to discuss values

And the people I have been coaching while getting my qualification, as well as my new clients? It’s an absolute honour, as well as quite a responsibility, to be part of their journey and growth. I’ve enjoyed every moment of it.

What next?

Restructures have meant more work as well as increased opportunities, as I’m able to put my own stamp on things. Balancing it with childcare, domestic tribulations and school logistics is challenging to say the least. I am intending to submit my Senior Fellowship application very soon and there are some interesting projects based around Equality and Wellbeing on the horizon. I will be building up my coaching experience alongside this.

Oh, and I’ve just found out I’ve passed my probation. 

Happy anniversary


  1. Hi Sarah sounds like you are on a very interesting journey. I'm looking forward to hearing more about it. Best wishes Elisabeth

  2. Hello Elisabeth, There's been a few trials and tribulations since I wrote this post! I may write about it more once some dust has settled.
