Friday 4 September 2020

When stationery becomes a sign of optimism and hope

Have you bought a diary for the upcoming academic year? I've seen on social media people saying they aren't going to bother. Mine arrived last week. 

When you work in education it can feel like you get chance to start fresh twice, not only in January but also in September. I prefer the September one - it comes with snuggly jumpers, crisp walks and without the barrage of 'sort your life out this second' adverts.

September brings with it a new academic year with its fresh Term 1. This often goes hand in hand with a new diary, perhaps a new set of pens too. For the last few years I have used the bullet journal system and moved from Hemingway’s favourite, the Moleskine, to Leuchtturm for the dots, colours and slightly wider pages. This year I am trying out the Ottergamis dotted notebook. It’s thicker, has templates (not a deal-breaker) and has a cute otter logo on the front (this possibly is a deal breaker). It is a thing of beauty and has gorgeously thick paper. Unfortunately, I’ve just found out it doesn’t have page numbers.

Anyhow, perhaps I am being naively unrealistic in buying a new diary for the 20/21 academic year when the 19/21 still has quite a few empty pages. I’m not quite sure why they are so empty when I was actually busier than before. I didn’t think that was possible. This whole ‘going back to work’ business sounds ridiculous (and insulting) when I, and many like me have been working doubly hard to support our students while home-schooling at the same time - and feeling like we’re doing neither well enough. 

Perhaps it feels safe to carry on with same routines of buying stationery to see in the new academic year. There’s safety in traditions. This year it feels brave and optimistic to say I will carry on - despite everything this year has thrown up regarding work, relationships and health. For now, I am in the fortunate position of being in a new job with a number of opportunities in front of me. 

This year was going to be the year I found myself after having my two children. I arranged passports so we could travel. I seriously considered world schooling when my job prospects didn’t look promising. I was determined. I was going to coach, do yoga etc. Then the pandemic hit. I got sick. I obviously don’t know if it was the dreaded COVID but it was incredibly frightening. Luckily, I recovered and found that while it was incredibly stressful trying to work and look after two small children there were numerous positives; e.g. not being stuck on the motorway worried I was going to miss the after-school childcare pickup. 

Now we have to return. I’m trying to phase it in slowly as my children don’t like changes in routines. Despite still waking up at 5 or 6 every morning, I know I’m going to miss mornings not being too stressful and having all my meal-times with my children. I’m concerned about them getting ill and, besides the obvious worry about their health, the impact this has on everything else. 

One thing I am looking forward to though is being able to hear myself think!  

What is going to be different for you in the next few months? What are you doing to prepare for it? Feel free to show me your new stationery pictures!

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